Ok, so I left off last at a big mall in Los Olivos (where no tourists go) with the young men practicing picking up the ladies. I was getting a little tired of this and decided it was time to go. I told Luis I wanted to grab a taxi, but he suggested that I take a combi (which would wind up being multiple combis). I said I wanted to take a taxi. So Luis went with me to get a taxi and I left.
Fast forward about 30 minutes- there is a ton of traffic trying to get me all the way back to Miraflores and the
taxista tells me he is going to take a short cut. Sounds reasonable. Basically, the guy takes me to God forsaken nowhere (all the while I am asking where he is going and that I want him to go a different way). I have a feeling he is going to stop somewhere with burning trashcans and dirt roads and tell me to give him all my money, and I am right. I'm scared shitless, but I'm ready- as soon as he stops the car, gets out and opens the back door, I throw him my wallet and take off running. I actually don't remember how I got to a street corner where there are a bunch of people, but I did. I tell them I'd been robbed and don't know where I am. I immediately call Luis, crying, as soon as I feel safe enough and tell him the story. He asks to talk to a woman I am with to explain where I am. Twenty minutes later (I'm waiting with the nice woman and her husband on a street corner), Luis arrives in a taxi to rescue me. I am so relieved! I get in the back of the cab with him and he holds me as I cry for a few minutes. But then I'm okay.
This cab driver actually will take me to Miraflores. As I calm down in the backseat, Luis continues to hold me, stroking my hair and telling me everything is ok, that he would not let anything happen to me. At some point during the cab ride, I look at Luis, still in his arms, and he tells me he likes me. I'm surprised, but not that surprised, and then he kisses me.
Was that not a scene from a movie?