Friday, November 12, 2010

Huaycan: A Different World

Here's a picture of where I was today:

How crazy is this place?  This district, on the outskirts of Lima, is built into the sides of these rocky hills.  I took a motorcycle taxi (kind of like a tuk-tuk in SE Asia) up to the top of one of these hills with a loan officer to visit a borrower.  Here's the view from the top:
The roads aren't paved, so there is dust everywhere and it gets worse when a vehicle careens by.  It's super difficult to find houses up in the hills, so Luis (the loan officer) had to ask about ten people where a certain lot was in a certain area (A - Z).  I am guessing there is no postal service?  Sheesh.

I am quite a novelty up in these shanty towns.  I don't think folks have seen a whole lot of gringos, and definitely not a female as grande as I am, so I get lots of points and stares.  The bold among the gawkers (usually high school kids, love them) yell, "hello" or "good-bye." 

I like the people I'm working with in the Huaycan office: there are three women and two men.  I mainly go out into the field with Luis, the loan officer in charge of the Kiva loans, and he is quite a guy.  Definitely a charmer/character, the 24-year-old told me today:  "The older hens make delicious broth."  Referring to us older women, since now everyone in the office knows I will be turning 32 on Wednesday.   Ugh...

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